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Faites votre jeu!

In August 2008, the initiative »Faites votre jeu!« occupied a former youth centre in Bockenheim in order to create a social centre. In early 2009, the city of Frankfurt threatened with eviction. After long negotiations, a replacement object was offered: the former police prison Klapperfeld. Since the prison was used through all phases of German history, from 1886 to 2002, it was clear: A use of the place without dealing with this history was ruled out by the initiative. So already during the negotiations, the first research began. Then, in August 2009, shortly after »Faites votre jeu!« had moved in, the first part of the permanent exhibition on the history of the Klapperfeld opened. The exhibition has been and will be expanded over time, it is open to the public and there are guided tours.

At the same time, the building serves as a social centre. The rooms are used for critical, political, artistic and cultural work. A variety of events take place in self-organised form: from readings, lectures and discussions to exhibitions and theatre performances, as well as bar nights, concerts and parties.

Further information

At the plenum we discuss and decide everything that concerns the Klapperfeld as an autonomous centre.

In our self-conception you can find out what is possible in the Klapperfeld, what is impossible and who decides.

The history of »Faites votre jeu!« began with the occupation of a former youth centre in Frankfurt/Bockenheim.

You can find out more about »Faites votre jeu!« and the programme in the Klapperfeld on the initiative’s website: